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Onion Seeds

Suppliers of onion seeds

Since our inception in 1986, we have been supplying a wide array of Onion Seeds to various industries like Food, Beverage, and Culinary as well as other industrial applications. We have supplied and exported products to countries all over the world including India, Russia, Europe, Asia, and USA.

We are proud to be the sole exporter of Onion Seeds in Malaysia and are counted among the most trusted onion seed suppliers globally. We have led many customers like DuPont and Heinz Corner to success through the quality of our products and services. Through our unrelenting efforts to deliver the best quality onion seeds, we have won over our customers' trust in us and are today one of the leading onion seed suppliers in Malaysia.

Our onion seeds can be availed from 100kgs to 5 tonnes at a go. We do not compromise on quality and use only high-quality seeds for our products.