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Palm Shortening

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Palm Shortening manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters in Malaysia - Palm Oil Shortening is a food additive in the form of fatty acid ester. It has a white or yellowish color, and an odor like crude oil is insoluble in water and soluble in ethanol, ether, and heptane. Palm Oil Shortening can be used as an emulsifier, particularly in the bakery industry. This product is a hydrogenated vegetable oil that is created through the process of hydrolysis. Saturated fatty acids are blended with glycerol to produce this food additive. Palm Oil Shortening is frequently used to produce margarine and cooking oil as well as other foods like shortening, bakery products, and frying oil. In addition to this, it's also used as an emulsifier, to control crystallization and improve gels in products like ice cream and whipped topping.

Palm Oil Shortening is a hydrogenated vegetable oil that is created through the process of hydrolysis. Saturated fatty acids are blended with glycerol to produce this food additive. Palm Oil Shortening is frequently used to produce margarine and cooking oil as well as other foods like shortening, bakery products, and frying oil. In addition to this, it's also used as an emulsifier, to control crystallization and improve gels in products like ice cream and whipped topping.

Hydrogenation is a process where unsaturated fats are converted into saturated fats by adding hydrogen atoms to the fatty acid molecules. This process increases the shelf life of the oils and makes them more stable at higher temperatures. Palm Shortening undergoes partial hydrogenation, which means that some of the double bonds between carbon atoms are converted into single bonds, but not all of them. This leaves the fat with a mix of saturated and unsaturated fats.